OK I'm switching gears for a second to another project . Its for a great website that is in the works at the moment, I have been trying to come up with some pieces focusing on the theme of dreams. I worked out a couple of ideas which at some point will become full size paintings.
For right now I will be doing some digital comps.This will be mainly for two reasons, one I really want to mess around digitally a bit more and see what i can do in Painter and Photoshop. The second reason is that what ever I do will serve as game plans for the bigger paintings later on.
I was hoping to get these done a while ago but it took me a bit longer than I wanted to get ideas/drawings I liked. I am hoping I can crank out something decent because I am really digging on the purpose of the website and I would love to be a contributor (more detail's later).God willing I am able to feel the rush and create whats in my big bobble head quickly.
well see, any way it should be a learning experience either way.
I'm posting the drawings and a comp in progress......

Hey its me again, I posted a comment before. I'm actually a follower of your blog but apparently I'm anonymous, I don't know how to fix it.
ReplyDeleteWell I just dropped by again to say that you are really talented and every piece you've created makes me smile. If I was rich I'd buy some of it off you and hang it in my room. You're really inspiring.
Have you always had artistic talent? Or does it require constant practice? Any advice for someone like me who would love to be able to draw like you?
Hello Carmelle.
ReplyDeletesorry for the delay in response. Im glad you are follower,anonymous or not, and you get some enjoyment out of the work I do, that makes my day .I have to post some more work soon but its been a busy month but soon there will be some more things up.
In regards to your questions I have always wanted to draw and have drawn since i was a wee little kid. While other kids were watching tv or playing I was spending allot of time drawing, so I have allot of practice and am always trying to practice more more. if there is something Im not good at I try to work on it. I always try to have the attitude of not trying to worry about making mistakes and just realize you learn from everything you do, good or bad.
i went to art school (Art Center College of Design) but not for illustration i have an industrial design degree but I have always painted and drawn for myself on the side. I think anyone can foster the the ability they have and practice is part of that. Now a days allot of people have their own unique style which is all their own and may not be traditional (meaning lifelike) but its all valid and inspirational.
The best advice i can give is get an empty sketch book and just draw.It doesnt have to be an expensive sketch book with fancy paper, im a big fan of saving money and using what ive got, the same goes for pens ad pencils.I draw with everything and my favorite pen is just a regular Black PaperMate pen in medium.
When you sketch dont worry about what it looks like just draw, and then draw some more. Try pens, try pencils try markers try everything. have the book on you at all times if you can and if your get bored just draw what you see whether its in front of you or just in your head.Your sketchbook should be uncensored dont try to be pretty or good just do it naturally if that make sense.
I don think it would be good to maybe get some basic figure books because i think understanding the structure of the body helps you draw everything we have in this world, even if you are not trying to be realistic in your style. if you want i can give you a list , in fact i may post the ones i like just so they are up on the blog. In any case i think the most important thing i think i can say is make sketching fun so you do it all the time and the rest will happen naturally .
I hope that helps but if you want more specific questions answered feel free to ask if i can help i will happily answer any questions you have.