Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Love =

Hello. It's been a while I know I know.Here are some posters under the theme of Love that I did  at the begining of the year as a submission to Manifest Equality. It was for art show to help promote change and ask for equality for all couples who want to get married. 

The pieces are called Love = and are meant to be shown together so the complete title reads as Love = Love =Love =. Hope you like

Also I am now on a website called society6 http://www.society6.com/studio/mrarandia/Love .  I will be selling some of my work through this website soon. Please check out and let the word out , tell anyone who you think might like to own some nice artwork.

Ok, kids more soon

Love=Love =Love=

Love= MM

Love= MM Detail1

Love= MM Detail2

Love= WM 

Love= WM Detail1

Love= WW 

Love= WW Detail1


  1. That´s so sweet ! I love the pattern details, what technique did you use ?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Flo Ro

    The people were hand drawn and then scanned so I could do my custom love pattern in AI. Then they were printed out on bigger sheets so I could hand paint the dripping hearts.

    I liked how they came out and plan on doing some other graphic posters soon to sell.
